

To be successful you must have the desire and the ability to connect with others.

Online versus Offline Shopping in the UAE

A pertinent question asked in the United Arab Emirates, just like in any other part of the world is, will online retail render brick-and-mortar or offline stores obsolete? In the UAE, industry commentators have debated over this question repeatedly in recent years.

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Globalization opens up a wider market for the products of a given company, thus expanding the client base. Companies that operate in more than one country have a reputation in the market in which they operate, thus the affirmation of making their products to move within the given market.

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Employee Engagement

Employers and Head of organizations are 100% responsible for their businesses’ performance by hiring the wrong people because of favoritism, and by absence of the employee empowerment.

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Why to hire the right Manager?

You might have encountered managers who have negative reputation, particularly with the employees, due to haughtiness and intractability.

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